Bringing a New Generation Of Gamers


Since 1928

Our founders were into gaming ever since childhood and thier fiery passion has stayed with throught thier lives, They even got the chance to participate in a few local tournements.

The store was called ripple Iraq after one of the founders iraqi nationality who was living in New Jersey, America

Since 1928

Gaming today was not as populor back in the day so it was alot harder to make a career out of it but during thier later years and witnessing gaming massive rise the opened up shop to bring the hobby to more people

Core Values

Our gaming electronics shop is guided by a strong set of core values that drive everything we do. We are fueled by our passion for gaming, and we strive to share that enthusiasm with our customers by providing exceptional products and services. We prioritize a customer-centric approach, always putting our customers first and ensuring their satisfaction. Quality and authenticity are non-negotiable for us, as we only offer the best gaming gear that meets our rigorous standards.

Our Community

Our gaming electronics shop is more than just a place to purchase the latest gaming gear; it’s a thriving community of passionate gamers. We understand the power of gaming to bring people together, foster connections, and create lasting friendships. We actively engage with our community by organizing gaming events, sponsoring local tournaments, and supporting initiatives that promote inclusivity and diversity within the gaming industry. We believe in the importance of cultivating a supportive and inclusive environment where gamers of all backgrounds can come together to share their love for gaming.

I used to be friends
with the original creators
of this website and Im glad
that our time and passion
in not forgoten
John Doe